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Who are you? - About us

I'm Karen, the kunoichi, from Toyo-no-Kuni. I may not telling you my real name, of course.

What is this website for? - Our Missions

To support Ninjas in any ways.

All Ninjas have missions to support someone besides ourselves. Some have particular missions already when they are born. Others are given by others, find by themselves, or receive by accident. 

Some Ninjas may not look like belong to your clans, may not sounds like you speak, may not eat like you, or may believe something what you don't believe. Also, we may not behave as you expected or not act as you wish. But we have reasons and purposes.

Ninjas work very hard to complete their missions. This website is created to help them to achieve them.

Site Rules - Okite

  1. Respect Privacy.
    Ninja is no longer secret existence today. But we all have privacy. Pease respect and do not pry the privacy of any Ninjas here beyond their website or SNS.

  2. No Hate, Racism, and Violence.
    Please note that Ninjas are supposed to make their own decisions case by case, not from orders, or favors. We are not to draw the lines between countries, races, or belief. So no particular "side" exists here. Petty challenge or being sarcastic may also cause the disconfort later on. We are one who has the same goal, peace and happiness.

     If there is justice in vengeance, then justice will only breed more vengeance. And trigger a cycle of hatred.
    復讐を正義というならば、その正義はさらなる復讐を生み、憎しみの連鎖が始まる。---  Naruto Shippuden
  3. Be Strong Physically & Mentally
    You may face the wall that is too big to break or too complicated to figure out what is the best answer for you. You will need to be tough and smart. Be healthy, and take a walk under the sun.